Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Satellite TV: A Worthwhile Investment

By Michael Russell

Millions of people have signed up for satellite TV. So, what's so fantastic about satellite TV that makes hundreds of new subscribers sign up every day? You will be pleasantly surprised. Not only does satellite TV provide great programming options, but there are myriad other benefits to be derived. Let's examine some of these.

First, the idea that satellite TV can provide you with some 500 viewing channels cannot be passed over. Many individuals love the fact that satellite TV offers them the ability to access their favorite movie channels, sports channels and specialty channels. Not only do satellite TV subscribers get access to great stations like HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz, CNN, ESPN and more, but they also get to subscribe to all of the variants of such stations.

The pay-per-view options offered are equally appealing. Viewers can order one-time specials or watch special sports programming if they so choose. Also, if a movie they have been waiting to see becomes available via pay-per-view options, viewers can save quite a bit of money by ordering it that way versus visiting the local cinema. Likewise, when individuals have satellite TV - with the diversity of programming available, fewer visits to the local video dealer are required.

Along with the ability to access outstanding channels, satellite TV is putting control back into the hands of parents across the nation. Parents can now preprogram their satellite television box to block out shows that they don't want their children watching. This, in addition to the educational television shows on offer from providers like Dish network and DirecTV, promises parents utter control of their children's viewing habits. It is truly a blessing when parents do not have to worry over whether or not their children are watching something they shouldn't be, when parents are otherwise occupied or the children are not in their immediate care.

Another perk gained from satellite TV subscription is the access to various music channels. People can enjoy New Age selections, pop rock, heavy metal or classic rock selections and oldies from a variety of stations that offer different music. Also, special weather stations and even games can be enjoyed through satellite TV subscriptions. Children can enjoy video gaming channels and parents can enjoy the myriad television selections provided to them. What's more, with an easy to use remote control provided with your subscription, programming your preferences couldn't be an easier process.

Considering the benefits derived from satellite television, the price paid for monthly service parallels such benefits. You get more for your money with satellite TV as you pay just about as much for it as you would pay for regular cable services. Thus, with all of the additional benefits you receive, you will be making your hard earned money work for you. In the end, if you don't subscribe for satellite TV, you'll never know what you are missing out on.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Satellite TV

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